Changing Details on the Birth Certificate: A Complete Guide

Birth certificates are important documents. They prove who you are and who your parents are. You need them for all sorts of things in life, such as getting a passport or even starting school. That’s why all the information on your birth certificate should be correct.

Sometimes, though, details need to be changed. Maybe there’s a spelling mistake, or a parent’s name needs to be added, or maybe the father’s details aren’t right. If that’s the case, don’t worry! This guide explains everything you need to know about changing details on the birth certificate, especially when you need a legally approved paternity DNA test.

We’ll go through the rules, the different reasons why you might need a DNA test, and all the steps involved in getting a birth certificate updated.

What You Need to Know About Birth Certificate Changes

The General Register Office (GRO) in England and Wales oversees all birth certificate changes.

The GRO has rules about what you can change and how. For small corrections, your local register office can usually help. But for bigger changes, like those involving the father’s name, you must apply to the GRO directly.

You might need to change a father’s name on a birth certificate for a few reasons. Perhaps the wrong person is listed, or a father wants to be added to the certificate now. Maybe a father’s name needs to be removed. The GRO has strict rules about this to ensure the information is accurate.

This is where paternity DNA testing helps. It provides scientific proof of a biological link between a father and a child. The GRO accepts this as strong evidence when you apply to change a father’s details.

Changing the Father’s Name on a Birth Certificate

You might need to change a father’s name on a birth certificate for several reasons:

  • The named father isn’t the biological father. This can happen due to various circumstances, and a DNA test can provide the necessary evidence to correct the birth certificate.
  • The parents weren’t married when the child was born. If the father’s details were initially left blank, you could add them later with the proper documentation, including a DNA test.
  • A mistake occurred during the birth registration. Errors happen, and a DNA test can help rectify a situation where the wrong father was accidentally listed.

Paternity DNA Testing for Birth Certificate Changes

In these situations, a paternity DNA test offers a reliable solution. The test analyses the genetic profiles of the alleged father and child to confirm a biological relationship. The GRO accepts this scientific evidence when you apply to change the birth certificate.

Legal DNA Testing vs. Peace of Mind Testing

It’s important to know that you need a legal DNA test for this purpose. This is different from a ‘peace of mind’ test you might buy online. A legal test DNA such as ours, follows strict procedures under our UKAS accreditation, ISO/IEC 17025, including professional sample collection and identity verification. This ensures the GRO accepts the results. dadcheck®gold provides Legal DNA Testing that meets these requirements.

Required Documentation

Along with the legal DNA test results, you’ll also need to provide the GRO with other documents. This usually includes the child’s original birth certificate and application forms. You might also need a court order in some cases.

How to Add a Father’s Name to a Birth Certificate

Sometimes, a father’s name is missing from a birth certificate. This often happens when parents are unmarried at the time of the child’s birth. You can add a father’s name to the birth certificate even if he wasn’t included originally.

Re-registering the Birth

To add a father’s name, you must re-register the birth. This means you complete an ‘Application for the re-registration of a child’s birth’ form and send it to the registrar of births and deaths for the district where the child was born. You can send it to any registrar in England or Wales.

DNA Testing for Adding a Father’s Name

You don’t always need a DNA test to add a father’s name. But, a legal (accredited) paternity test from dadcheck®gold can help. It confirms the biological relationship and avoids any doubts. This can make the re-registration process easier.

Re-registration After Marriage

If the parents have been married since the child’s birth, the process is a bit different. You’ll complete an ‘Application for re-registration following parents’ marriage‘ form and send it to the registrar.

Statutory Declaration of Acknowledgement of Parentage

If either parent cannot go to the registrar in person, they must complete a ‘Statutory declaration of acknowledgement of parentage‘ form. This confirms they agree to the changes.

How to Remove a Father’s Name from a Birth Certificate

Sometimes, you need to take a father’s name off a birth certificate. This might be because he’s not the real biological father or because a court says he shouldn’t be on it.

You can ask the GRO to remove the father’s name. You’ll need strong proof that he’s not the biological father. A legal DNA test, like the ones from dadcheck®gold, can help with this. The DNA test results show if he’s the biological father or not, and the GRO accepts these results.

To ask the GRO to remove the name, you’ll need to fill out a form called ‘Application form to remove incorrect father’s details from a birth registration‘. You’ll also need to include the DNA test report or a court order, and the child’s birth certificate.

Taking a father’s name off a birth certificate is a big deal. It can affect things legally and emotionally. It’s a good idea to talk to a solicitor if you’re not sure about what to do.

How to Change Details on the Birth Certificate

Once you have all your paperwork in hand, including the DNA test results, if you need them, now it’s time to officially ask the General Register Office (GRO) to change the birth certificate. They have a special way of doing things, so follow these steps carefully:

1. Get the right form

Go to the GRO website and download the application form that matches what you want to change. For example, to remove a father’s name, you’ll need the ‘Application form to remove incorrect father’s details from a birth registration’. To add a father’s name after marriage, you’ll need the ‘Application for re-registration following parents’ marriage’ form.

2. Fill it out

Complete the form neatly and make sure all the information is correct.

3. Get your documents together

This includes the child’s original birth certificate, the DNA test report (if you have one), and any court orders. Make sure you have the originals or copies that have been officially checked by a solicitor or notary public.

4. Send it off

Send your completed form and documents to the GRO. You can find their address on their website. It’s best to send it by recorded delivery so you know they’ve received it.

5. Wait for the results

The GRO will check your application. If everything is okay, they will send you a new birth certificate with the correct information. This can take a few weeks, so be patient.

Witnessing or Statutory Declaration

When you apply to change a birth certificate, you have two options: witness the correction or make a statutory declaration.

  • Witnessing the correction: You can go to the GRO office and watch someone update the birth register. Just tick the box on the application form to say you want to do this.
  • Statutory declaration: If you can’t go to the GRO office, you can make a formal statement in front of a solicitor or judge. This is like swearing the information is correct. There might be a small fee for this.

Sometimes, the GRO might ask you to make a statutory declaration even if you want to witness the correction. They’ll send you a form. Once you send it back, they’ll update the birth certificate, and you won’t need to go to their office.

Is Your Birth Certificate Accurate? Check It Now!

You need to have a correct birth certificate. This ensures all your legal documents are accurate and show your true identity. Whether you’re changing a father’s name, adding one, or removing one, it’s important to do it the right way and have the correct documents.

A legal DNA test, like those from dadcheck®gold, can be key when changing details on the birth certificate. It provides scientific proof to support your application to the GRO.

If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask. The GRO and companies like dadcheck®gold can help you through the process.

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