Sample Collection for DNA Testing

For professional DNA tests, we need to ensure that samples are collected from the donor by an independent third party. The sampler cannot be related to the donor and must have no emotional or financial interest in the outcome of the test.

At no point may the donor come into direct contact with the samples post collection.  It is the sole responsibility of the sampler to ensure that the samples and associated paperwork are sent directly back to us using the tamper-proof, pre-paid envelope provided with the collection kit.

Sampling Options

Complement Genomics Ltd. staff will collect the samples or we will

  • arrange for the sample collection to be conducted by one of our registered samplers* or
  • contact the client’s own GP* and arrange for the sample to be collected there, if this is a service the GP is prepared to undertake.

We regularly arrange for collections from HM Prisons.

If any test participant is not resident in the UK, then for a parentage DNA test we will work with you to identify (and if possible train and register) a suitable overseas sampler such as a reputable local doctor, nurse or other agency.

*Please note that additional sample collection fees may apply.

Information Required for DNA Testing

  • We require a fully completed order form (a contract in place), or the donor information by telephone or e-mail before we begin organisation of the sample collection.
  • All parties must have agreed to the DNA test beforehand and the sampler must either take the sample or witness it being taken.
  • We require the full name, address and date of birth of the person(s) to be sampled, plus evidence of identity and the name, affiliation and address of the sampler (if not provided by us).

Identity Checks That Will Be Carried Out

  • The sampler must carry out identity checks according to our procedures. If on receipt of the samples, we deem the checks and  supporting evidence to be inadequate, then we reserve the right to ask for further information and/or refuse to process the samples until we are satisfied that our requirements have been met. This is because we must be sure that the person who is being sampled has given his/her consent to the DNA test and/or has Parental Responsibility (PR) for the child being put forward for testing and has the capacity to give consent.
  • Where samples are being collected by our own staff or our own registered samplers, we shall photograph the donor(s) on the day of sampling.
  • For cases where the samples will be taken by an overseas medical centre, the client will be required to produce two recent passport-size photographs of each person to be tested. The designated sampler will check these against each person to be sampled and certify that they are a true likeness, by signing, dating and stating that this was the person sampled on that occasion by completing our Donor Verification Form provided with the collection kit.
  • If a child under 16 is to be tested, then we will need to be provided with documentary evidence stating that the individual signing on behalf of the child ( if this person is not the child’s own mother) does indeed have PR for the child e.g., the child’s full birth certificate or other evidence of PR, such as an Interim Care Order, a Parental Responsibility Agreement or proof of appointment as the child’s (Special) Guardian.

For immigration purposes, your client will also be required to produce such Government issued documentation as available, ideally a Passport or a UK Borders Agency Travel Document(s).

Any other photo identification, such as a driving licence or a National Identity Card, will also be appreciated, as would evidence of the home address of the client (for example, a utility bill or a bank statement).

As the DNA test is being carried out in the UK under UK law, we require the donors over the age of 16 to agree to the consent requirements of the Human Tissue Act 2004 and as such, we will provide consent forms, which must be read, accepted and signed before we are able to collect and process the samples. If a child under 16 years is being sampled, we must have appropriate consent in place from a person or party with Parental Responsibility for them.

Have a question? Send us a message.

Our award winning customer service team will be pleased to help you.

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We are one of only a few companies in the UK which are able to provide a DNA testing service suitable for legal purposes.

The Complement Genomics Family

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