If you are from the legal profession and would like to discuss a case, request a quotation, or place an order, please feel free to call or email us. Alternatively, select and complete the relevant form below and return to us by email.
E-mail - sales@dadcheckgold.com
Call - 0191 543 6334 or 0203 603 1323
If you are a member of the public needing a legal DNA tests for use such as Birth Certificate changes, immigration, surrogacy or the Family Courts, please contact us by telephone or e-mail and we will be happy to talk you through the process.
E-mail - sales@dadcheckgold.com
Call - 0191 543 6334 or 0203 603 1323
For legal DNA tests we must be in control of the sample collection and we undertake a protocol to identify the person providing the samples. This will usually be undertaken by one of our registered samplers with the DNA test kit sent directly to our collectors. The samples then come directly back to our lab – maintaining what is often called a “chain of custody”.
Upon receipt of all the case samples back into our laboratory we will begin the DNA testing procedure, which on average takes 4 working days to complete, including sign off by the authorised signatory. Your DNA test can be expedited to 2 working days by using our express service for an additional £150 exc. VAT.
Legal Professionals
Please let us know details of the parties involved and how the cost of the test is to be shared. This will often be stated in the Court Order, if one is in place. We will send an invoice to all parties once the DNA test report has been issued to the ordering party. Payment can be made by bank transfer, cheque, debit or credit card.
dadcheck®gold offers:
- A dedicated project manager for all paternity and other biological relationships (DNA) tests.
- Discussion of the case parameters with one of our human identity testing experts including advice with regards to consent.
- Co-ordination of sample (buccal swab) collection appointments for all cases, including help and advice on the collection of tissue samples from the deceased.
- Liaison with other parties (such as legal firms and barristers, Health Centres, GP’s, Coroners, Local Authorities, Social Workers).
- Dispatch of bespoke sample collection kits within 24 hours of ordering.
- A nationwide sample collection service where samples can be collected from test participants in the comfort of their own/foster home or a neutral venue such as a family-time session or Solicitors office.
- Adherence to court and hearing dates.
- Accelerated processing of cases through our Express Service – results within 2 working days (from receipt of all samples into our facilities).
- The opportunity to work with you for Legal Aid Agency cases.
dadcheck®gold is:
- dadcheck® is a UKAS accredited testing laboratory No. 2743. We are ISO/IEC 17025 accredited for parentage DNA testing and are recognised by the Ministry of Justice as "a body that may carry out parentage tests directed by the civil courts of England and Wales under section 20 of the Family Law Reform Act 1969."
- We are not a reseller/broker/middleman and never send samples overseas or to other laboratories for processing. In coming to us, you will be dealing directly with the UK laboratory and UK customer services.
- Highly recommended by our existing clients. We have worked with many of our clients for over two decades and much of our new business is by referral.
- Founded by Ms Louise Allcroft and Dr Neil Sullivan, two highly experienced genetics professionals, who instil into the company its core values of quality and continual improvement, scientific excellence and exceptional customer care.
- Ms Allcroft has a B.Sc. in Cellular and Developmental Genetics from the University of Leicester and a M.Sc. in Medical Genetics from the University of Newcastle. She is the designated Quality Manager and Authorised Signatory for all outgoing reports.
- Dr Neil Sullivan has a B.Sc. in Biochemistry with Chemistry from the University of Southampton, an MBA from Imperial College, an LLM in Commercial Law from the University of Northumbria and a PhD in Molecular Genetics from the University of Edinburgh. He has many original research publications and two books to his name. In particular, he carried out original research into the law surrounding consent (with special reference to the Human Tissue Act 2004) as part of his postgraduate research for the LLM.
Choice of a DNA Testing Company
As most people will be searching for a DNA testing supplier using the Internet, it will become apparent that there are many entities purporting to supply this type of service. There are a variety of business models and in the past, there has been adverse publicity concerning certain DNA testing companies.
It is therefore vitally important that you choose, on behalf of your clients, a reputable accredited company, that thoroughly understands the science (and in some more complex testing scenarios cases, its limitations) and is prepared to offer you up-front advice and assistance in choosing the right test for your clients so that the end result is meaningful and backed up by sound science.
Resources for Solicitors
Have a question? Send us a message.
Our award winning customer service team will be pleased to help you.
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Download our book - "DNA Testing for Legal Professionals"
We are one of only a few companies in the UK which are able to provide a DNA testing service suitable for legal purposes.