He Has His Father’s Nose

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“You have your dad’s eye’s”, “your mums smile”, “and your grandfather’s ears”… We’ve all heard comments such as these; but do they have any basis in fact when attempting to assert paternity? As a leading DNA testing company dealing with hundreds of paternity cases every year, these types of comments often are posed to us.…

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DNA – The True Test of Any Relationship

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Over the last 15 years, the legal profession has taken to the use of DNA testing with alacrity. This is a fine example of the devolution of complex technology into our society – through testing for ancestry (the recent exhumation of Richard III is a good example), to testing for possible criminal activity (the use…

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Paternity Fraud, a Blow to the Stomach

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Increasingly entering common parlance is the term “paternity fraud” which is the naming of a man as being the biological father of a child by that child’s mother, when in fact, she knows he is not the father. Paternity fraud is a subset of “mis-attributed paternity”, where a child has been fathered by one man,…

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Mother Refusing DNA Test UK: Navigating Legalities and Choices

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Dealing with a mother refusing a DNA test in the UK can be an emotional and confusing experience. You might be unsure of your rights, the legal steps involved, and the potential impact on your child’s well-being. You’re not alone in facing this challenge.  In this article, we’ll guide you through the legalities surrounding a…

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